Hey You,
Just a quick one today to say...HAPPY 60TH INDEPENDENCE DAY NIGERIA!
The pride and spirit of the average Nigerian is unlike anything you've ever seen before; this is because Nigeria is made up of 100s of different ethnic groups. As a result, the culture is rich in various traditions, music, languages, foods & fashion! However, at the centre of it all is a deep rooted appreciation of and belief in community.
This appreciation and belief in community is what I believe makes AfroFusion Apparel a special African fashion brand.
Yes, the main aim of the brand is to bring modern & casual African fashion attire to women around the world, but, we also aim to empower the women, families and communities who actually manufacture our items. All of the fabrics you see in our collections have been sourced specifically in West Africa- largely Nigeria. This has helped ensure that the unique style our collections boasts of are a true depiction of the rich culture it represents.
By working with with these small and local businesses we are able to positively impact the livelihoods of these women which in effect helps grow and better their communities & own families.
AfroFusion Apparel is proud to work with these communities and we say thank you to them for allowing us to showcase a part of the uniqueness of African culture to the world. In the future, we hope to do more charitable work and business with even more black communities.
Now, leaving you with a common saying you will often hear a Nigerian business person say:
'God bless our hustle oh'...
Have a lovely week!
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